Planning Your Funeral
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Planning Your Funeral

Nearly 5 years ago, my husband’s precious maternal grandmother passed away. This special woman had an amazing sense of humor and a flair for life. Without saying a word, she could make me laugh with just a look. Several years before her death, she visited a local funeral home in order to plan her funeral services. When she passed away, the family didn’t have to deal with the stress of organizing her farewell services. They could relax, grieve, and concentrate on the wonderful memories they shared with her. I've grown to appreciate this. On this blog, you will discover the steps required to plan your own funeral.

Planning Your Funeral

A Guide on Funeral Prearrangements

Nora Mitchelle

Death is a life event whose occurrence is a matter of fact. There are so many uncertainties on how and when it will occur. Thus, it makes sense to plan for it for personal peace and the well-being of loved ones. A funeral, like any other significant life event, demands prior planning. Here are the essential pointers as to why funeral prearrangement is a wise thing to do. 

Types of Funeral Plans 

At-need Planning

At-need funeral arrangements usually occur at the point of death. In such a scenario, the surviving members of the family or trusted friends make the funeral plans on behalf of the deceased. The major challenge in this arrangement is that it is emotionally and financially challenging to plan during the grief period. 

Preneed Planning

In comparison, preened plans involve planning a funeral for the living at any point in time. Funeral prearrangement is made by yourself, family members, and funeral homes. Numerous resources can guide in preplanning a funeral. 

Benefits of Funeral Pre Arrangements 

Fulfillment of Personal Wishes 

Most people know how they would want to be memorialized after death. The only way to communicate these wishes is by preplanning your funeral. For instance, you may have a specific request on how your remains will be interred. You may also not wish to have any ceremony. Besides, you may wish to have a specific epitaph on your gravestone. Ultimately, your wishes can only come to fruition when you put them in a plan. 

Financial Ease 

Funeral prearrangement allows you to plan for the financial aspects of the services. A funeral can be expensive or affordable based on your needs and level of planning. Many logistics require finances, including funeral home services, funeral ceremonies, and purchasing a grave plot. The best way to cater to these costs is to have a financial funeral plan, perhaps with an insurance or funeral trust fund. 

Smaller Burden

A funeral arrangement is essentially a decision-making process. Often, a funeral is supposed to be a celebration of one's life. Unfortunately, planning a funeral without knowing the deceased person's wishes makes the exercise guesswork. For example, your family members will not know if you wish to be buried or cremated. More so, they can only guess whether to conduct a religious service or gravesite burial. Such questions create confusion, which adds to the stress of personal loss. Having a plan helps to ease the burden. 

Death is uncertain, but you can get in control through preplanning. Funeral prearrangement allows you to take care of your wishes and family interest. The first step should be consulting a professional funeral service provider. 
