Planning Your Funeral
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Planning Your Funeral

Nearly 5 years ago, my husband’s precious maternal grandmother passed away. This special woman had an amazing sense of humor and a flair for life. Without saying a word, she could make me laugh with just a look. Several years before her death, she visited a local funeral home in order to plan her funeral services. When she passed away, the family didn’t have to deal with the stress of organizing her farewell services. They could relax, grieve, and concentrate on the wonderful memories they shared with her. I've grown to appreciate this. On this blog, you will discover the steps required to plan your own funeral.

Planning Your Funeral

Are You Planning Your Own Cremation Service?

Nora Mitchelle

Do you anticipate death in your near future? Maybe you have a terminal illness and you have faced the fact that you will pass away soon. Or, you might be young and very healthy. No matter your circumstances, perhaps you have decided that you want to be cremated and that you also want to plan your own cremation service. From arranging for a display table that will tell those who attend the service more about you to planning the actual service, here are some ideas that might help you.

The Display Table

Think of selecting one or two individuals who will set up a display table of objects that represent your life. For example, if you are a rancher who has raised prize cattle, you might want to depict that with decorative cows and bulls as part of the display. Maybe you love to travel and you have done so many times. If so, photographs taken on your various trips would be a great thing to display. 

Have you been active in sports, say as a basketball player? If so, your favorite basketball could be part of the display. If you are a runner, your running shoes might show that to those who view the display table. And, of course, you'll want to include photographs from the time you were born until recent times, including photos of you with your family and with dear friends who might even attend the service.

Plan The Service

First, decide who will speak at your cremation service. For example, you might choose friends who will share stories about the times they spent with you. Or, if you have children, they might be the ones to speak at your service. If you are a religious person, ask your ecclesiastic leader to talk about inspiring things. Or, if the service is an intimate one, it might be that everybody present will want to tell about times they spent with you.

Music may play an important part in your cremation service, too. For example, say you have one very favorite song. That song might be the focus of the music at the service. For example, say you select Amazing Grace, a very traditional funeral song. You could have the congregation sing it together, then you could have the song played as a piano and violin duet. Consider ending with a song like Til We Meet Again.

For more information about cremation services, contact a funeral home.
